Within the Boggart Wood

Podcast Episode 19: You’d better watch out, Krampus is coming to town (international edition)

Episode available on all your favourite podcasting platforms!

Episode contents

In this Episode, The Boggart looks at the Alpine tradition of Krampus, the half-goat demon said to punish naughty children on the eve of the 5th December, and how the story has developed in time, becoming a political tool in the first half of the 20th century, and also how Krampus may have influenced the United States cryptid known as the Goatman…

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Within the Boggart Wood

Podcast Episode 19: You’d better watch out, Krampus is coming to town (international edition)

Episode available on all your favourite podcasting platforms!

Episode contents

In this Episode, The Boggart looks at the Alpine tradition of Krampus, the half-goat demon said to punish naughty children on the eve of the 5th December, and how the story has developed in time, becoming a political tool in the first half of the 20th century, and also how Krampus may have influenced the United States cryptid known as the Goatman…

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