Within the Boggart Wood

Do you know the risk? Investigating derelict buildings

This article isn't about being a killjoy, or 'having a go'. Its not even about the plethora of ghost groups who think its perfectly acceptable to break-and-enter or trespass in derelict buildings to ply their 'trade'...

… Its about the very real risk to life and limb that can occur when you wander into an abandoned site by the light of the moon – not a risk caused by gurning ghosts or creeping cryptids, but rather by debris, slicing and dicing, sharps, spores. asbestos and collapses…

This is an updated rehash of one of my old articles on Otherworld North East, but I figured it was probably worth adding it here due to the fact that the issue just isn’t going away as for many of these culprits, getting spooky footage to keep their social media followers happy trumps the need to keep themselves safe. But who am I to be writing this? As a professional archaeologist with an historic building recording specialism, I spend a lot of my working life recording derelict buildings through legal and organised means. I’m not just talking out of my Boggart-hole…

Holes in the floor aren't easy to spot if you're in the dark...
Holes in the floor aren’t easy to spot if you’re in the dark…

The thing a lot of individuals and groups seem to forget about is that no matter how spooky or pretty a derelict building is, its very likely derelict for a reason. Getting permission from the owner to enter the building not only prevents a group potentially ending up in an ambulance, but also gives the group valuable information, primarily on the safety aspects of the location. Most owners of derelict buildings who allow teams into their property will need it to be done with Insurance policies in place, covered by a risk assessment and a waiver of liability.

A risk assessment will highlight any issues the building has. Is there broken glass on the floor? Are the floorboards safe to walk on upstairs? Is the gas turned off? Are parts of the roof about to collapse? The issues with derelict buildings can take up most of a long list, and if the investigators don’t know about even one of them, they’re putting themselves, their team-mates, their guests and even the emergency services who may have to enter the property if something happens – at risk.

Without a risk assessment, most Paranormal Investigator insurance will be invalid. Something to think about, even at that level. Next thing you’ll be asked if there is an incident is who put the risk assessment together? Were they qualified or experienced enough to do so adequately? Was an emergency procedure in place? A fire procedure? Who are the first aiders on site? Something to also be aware of is that some insurance providers won’t cover fieldwork in derelict buildings. Best to check you’re covered. Insurance also won’t cover you if you’ve just broken in somewhere without permission. Obviously. I shouldn’t have to include that of course – but you just have to watch Youtube to see how many numpties are out there.

For guests going on paid ghost hunts, these things are something to be aware of. If your hosts can’t provide a copy of a thorough risk assessment and proof of permission by the landowner/property owner, then just don’t risk it. Is an evening’s entertainment really worth health, life and limb?

Do you really want to be breathing this in?
Do you really want to be breathing this in?

Here’s a very basic list to think about. It by no means covers everything – each building or derelict location is different.

Live services

In some cases even though a building is derelict, services may not have been shut off completely meaning that a shift in the fabric of the structure (such as an investigator leaning on a wall that gives way) can release toxic substances into the atmosphere. Gas is the obvious thought here, but also be aware that electricity can arc especially with degraded cabling. As well as the obvious immediate risk to life, gas and electricity can also be underlying causes of issues such as fires and carbon monoxide.

Coal and other natural gases

In areas where coal lies close to the surface (ie most of the North East of England), coal gas (or other natural gases, such as methane) can build in disused tunnels and cellars. Long term exposure can be fatal, and short term symptoms include headaches, feelings of weakness, nausea, difficulty breathing, blurred vision, mental confusion and even loss of consciousness. Most professionals working underground with no means of immediate escape will be required to wear monitors and be confined-spaces trained and armed with the appropriate equipment. And no, an EMF meter doesn’t count.

Slips, trips, falls and overheads

Derelict buildings often have rough/uneven floors, or even flooring that in some cases is missing providing a tremendous risk of falling to injury or worse below. Walls may crumble to the touch, and ceilings may collapse, involving heavy and piercing materials. In the case of some buildings, such as shells of castles, falling masonry is also a major risk. Some buildings also have areas that are scaffolded: climbing on the scaffolding could produce major injuries in the form of slips and falls. Rough uneven walls, often with protruding nails or rusted metal features can also produce major health risks, with as well as providing cut and puncture risks also carry the risk of tetanus, 11% of cases in recent years which have proven fatal.

Human-introduced detritus/sharps

Detritus may be present inside the building in the form of waste (broken glass, sheared metal etc) or even narcotic paraphernalia such as needles. If any of these items are noted, they should be left well alone and the building departed immediately. The building owner/council should then be informed.


Good handwashing facilities are needed if you’re going to investigate a derelict building. Simple soil in, around and under buildings can be anything but clean. Industrial societies in the past allowed land to become contaminated in various ways over many years, and simple soil/dirt can also contain animal faeces as well as fungal or microbial elements. Every derelict building will have rats: rat faeces and urine can be extremely dangerous causing Weils’ Disease (leptospirosis), which can result in renal failure, liver and kidney damage as well as heart issues. Degraded faeces and dried urine could be on anything touched in the building: you won’t notice it so if you then eat a sandwich without washing your hands, you’re getting more than your carbs in that mouthful.

Molds and spores

These molds often grow as a direct effect of water or dampness, a common trait of abandoned buildings (especially if the roof lead has been stolen). Breathed in, these spores can cause serious lung conditions and can trigger asthma.


Asbestos is the collective name for a group of six distinct types of naturally occurring inorganic silicate compounds, which have a strong fibrous, crystalline structure. The majority of asbestos uses in the UK are in building materials such as asbestos cement sheeting, pipes for sewage and
water distribution and insulation boards etc. The remainder is found in a variety of industrial products such as gaskets, brake linings, fan blades etc. Asbestos materials in a stable condition will only become a health risk if the surface is accidentally damaged or is deliberately drilled, sanded, sawn or scrubbed all of which may generate fibre-containing dust. The main conditions associated with exposure to asbestos are as follows: Asbestosis, Mesothelioma and Lung cancer (bronchial carcinoma).

The owners of an abandoned property may be aware of the presence of unstable asbestos in their property – but if you enter without permission, you may not even be aware that you’re breathing the fibres in – and in some cases it takes years for the symptoms to show, and by then its too late. Once the damage has been done to the lungs in asbestosis, there’s no repairing it.

Lone working… solo investigations

Lone/solo investigations can be incredibly dangerous in derelict or unused buildings, as a single slip and fall could result in head strikes and unconsciousness that may go unnoticed for long periods of time. Adequate communication with someone outside of the building should be maintained at all times. Just think… if you accidentally cut yourself or break a limb, who knows where you are to get you out before you bleed to death or die of shock/exposure?

Site security

How secure is the site? Did you lock the door? If a member of the public wanders in while you’re in control of the building and has an accident, if you didn’t secure the building it becomes your issue.


Is your team, and are your guests suited and booted with the correct PPE (Personal Protective Equipment)? As a minimum most locations would require a hard hat, gloves, safety eyewear, potentially a face mask and safety footwear.

The above is a very short summary which would need to be added to depending on each individual case. Its not exaggerated or included to spoil your fun, but as a warning that if you don’t know what you’re doing you or your friends could end up in hospital or worse.

In most derelict buildings, the risk of falling debris, rotten floors, cuts, scrapes, contaminated material etc is moderate and can be mitigated with a good risk assessment strategy. But if you go into an unknown building by torchlight without the aforementioned strategy, you might as well be putting a target on your forehead.

Charging members of the public to go into that building with you? Then I hope, as a commercial event, you’re fully versed in the law and your liability. 

Remember, if in doubt: get out. This simple sentence could save your life.

More information

  • Article link added 16/1/2024 | This is a really good article on UK Trespass Law – please see:
  • Health and Safety at Work Act, 1974;
  • Health and Safety at Work Act, 2005;
  • Working at Heights Regulations 2005;
  • Manual Handling Regulations 1992;
  • ‘Safe use of ladders and stepladders: An employers’ guide’ HSE Books 2005;
  • HSE Toolbox: PPE.
Within the Boggart Wood

Do you know the risk? Investigating derelict buildings

This article isn't about being a killjoy, or 'having a go'. Its not even about the plethora of ghost groups who think its perfectly acceptable to break-and-enter or trespass in derelict buildings to ply their 'trade'...

… Its about the very real risk to life and limb that can occur when you wander into an abandoned site by the light of the moon – not a risk caused by gurning ghosts or creeping cryptids, but rather by debris, slicing and dicing, sharps, spores. asbestos and collapses…

This is an updated rehash of one of my old articles on Otherworld North East, but I figured it was probably worth adding it here due to the fact that the issue just isn’t going away as for many of these culprits, getting spooky footage to keep their social media followers happy trumps the need to keep themselves safe. But who am I to be writing this? As a professional archaeologist with an historic building recording specialism, I spend a lot of my working life recording derelict buildings through legal and organised means. I’m not just talking out of my Boggart-hole…

Holes in the floor aren't easy to spot if you're in the dark...
Holes in the floor aren’t easy to spot if you’re in the dark…

The thing a lot of individuals and groups seem to forget about is that no matter how spooky or pretty a derelict building is, its very likely derelict for a reason. Getting permission from the owner to enter the building not only prevents a group potentially ending up in an ambulance, but also gives the group valuable information, primarily on the safety aspects of the location. Most owners of derelict buildings who allow teams into their property will need it to be done with Insurance policies in place, covered by a risk assessment and a waiver of liability.

A risk assessment will highlight any issues the building has. Is there broken glass on the floor? Are the floorboards safe to walk on upstairs? Is the gas turned off? Are parts of the roof about to collapse? The issues with derelict buildings can take up most of a long list, and if the investigators don’t know about even one of them, they’re putting themselves, their team-mates, their guests and even the emergency services who may have to enter the property if something happens – at risk.

Without a risk assessment, most Paranormal Investigator insurance will be invalid. Something to think about, even at that level. Next thing you’ll be asked if there is an incident is who put the risk assessment together? Were they qualified or experienced enough to do so adequately? Was an emergency procedure in place? A fire procedure? Who are the first aiders on site? Something to also be aware of is that some insurance providers won’t cover fieldwork in derelict buildings. Best to check you’re covered. Insurance also won’t cover you if you’ve just broken in somewhere without permission. Obviously. I shouldn’t have to include that of course – but you just have to watch Youtube to see how many numpties are out there.

For guests going on paid ghost hunts, these things are something to be aware of. If your hosts can’t provide a copy of a thorough risk assessment and proof of permission by the landowner/property owner, then just don’t risk it. Is an evening’s entertainment really worth health, life and limb?

Do you really want to be breathing this in?
Do you really want to be breathing this in?

Here’s a very basic list to think about. It by no means covers everything – each building or derelict location is different.

Live services

In some cases even though a building is derelict, services may not have been shut off completely meaning that a shift in the fabric of the structure (such as an investigator leaning on a wall that gives way) can release toxic substances into the atmosphere. Gas is the obvious thought here, but also be aware that electricity can arc especially with degraded cabling. As well as the obvious immediate risk to life, gas and electricity can also be underlying causes of issues such as fires and carbon monoxide.

Coal and other natural gases

In areas where coal lies close to the surface (ie most of the North East of England), coal gas (or other natural gases, such as methane) can build in disused tunnels and cellars. Long term exposure can be fatal, and short term symptoms include headaches, feelings of weakness, nausea, difficulty breathing, blurred vision, mental confusion and even loss of consciousness. Most professionals working underground with no means of immediate escape will be required to wear monitors and be confined-spaces trained and armed with the appropriate equipment. And no, an EMF meter doesn’t count.

Slips, trips, falls and overheads

Derelict buildings often have rough/uneven floors, or even flooring that in some cases is missing providing a tremendous risk of falling to injury or worse below. Walls may crumble to the touch, and ceilings may collapse, involving heavy and piercing materials. In the case of some buildings, such as shells of castles, falling masonry is also a major risk. Some buildings also have areas that are scaffolded: climbing on the scaffolding could produce major injuries in the form of slips and falls. Rough uneven walls, often with protruding nails or rusted metal features can also produce major health risks, with as well as providing cut and puncture risks also carry the risk of tetanus, 11% of cases in recent years which have proven fatal.

Human-introduced detritus/sharps

Detritus may be present inside the building in the form of waste (broken glass, sheared metal etc) or even narcotic paraphernalia such as needles. If any of these items are noted, they should be left well alone and the building departed immediately. The building owner/council should then be informed.


Good handwashing facilities are needed if you’re going to investigate a derelict building. Simple soil in, around and under buildings can be anything but clean. Industrial societies in the past allowed land to become contaminated in various ways over many years, and simple soil/dirt can also contain animal faeces as well as fungal or microbial elements. Every derelict building will have rats: rat faeces and urine can be extremely dangerous causing Weils’ Disease (leptospirosis), which can result in renal failure, liver and kidney damage as well as heart issues. Degraded faeces and dried urine could be on anything touched in the building: you won’t notice it so if you then eat a sandwich without washing your hands, you’re getting more than your carbs in that mouthful.

Molds and spores

These molds often grow as a direct effect of water or dampness, a common trait of abandoned buildings (especially if the roof lead has been stolen). Breathed in, these spores can cause serious lung conditions and can trigger asthma.


Asbestos is the collective name for a group of six distinct types of naturally occurring inorganic silicate compounds, which have a strong fibrous, crystalline structure. The majority of asbestos uses in the UK are in building materials such as asbestos cement sheeting, pipes for sewage and
water distribution and insulation boards etc. The remainder is found in a variety of industrial products such as gaskets, brake linings, fan blades etc. Asbestos materials in a stable condition will only become a health risk if the surface is accidentally damaged or is deliberately drilled, sanded, sawn or scrubbed all of which may generate fibre-containing dust. The main conditions associated with exposure to asbestos are as follows: Asbestosis, Mesothelioma and Lung cancer (bronchial carcinoma).

The owners of an abandoned property may be aware of the presence of unstable asbestos in their property – but if you enter without permission, you may not even be aware that you’re breathing the fibres in – and in some cases it takes years for the symptoms to show, and by then its too late. Once the damage has been done to the lungs in asbestosis, there’s no repairing it.

Lone working… solo investigations

Lone/solo investigations can be incredibly dangerous in derelict or unused buildings, as a single slip and fall could result in head strikes and unconsciousness that may go unnoticed for long periods of time. Adequate communication with someone outside of the building should be maintained at all times. Just think… if you accidentally cut yourself or break a limb, who knows where you are to get you out before you bleed to death or die of shock/exposure?

Site security

How secure is the site? Did you lock the door? If a member of the public wanders in while you’re in control of the building and has an accident, if you didn’t secure the building it becomes your issue.


Is your team, and are your guests suited and booted with the correct PPE (Personal Protective Equipment)? As a minimum most locations would require a hard hat, gloves, safety eyewear, potentially a face mask and safety footwear.

The above is a very short summary which would need to be added to depending on each individual case. Its not exaggerated or included to spoil your fun, but as a warning that if you don’t know what you’re doing you or your friends could end up in hospital or worse.

In most derelict buildings, the risk of falling debris, rotten floors, cuts, scrapes, contaminated material etc is moderate and can be mitigated with a good risk assessment strategy. But if you go into an unknown building by torchlight without the aforementioned strategy, you might as well be putting a target on your forehead.

Charging members of the public to go into that building with you? Then I hope, as a commercial event, you’re fully versed in the law and your liability. 

Remember, if in doubt: get out. This simple sentence could save your life.

More information

  • Article link added 16/1/2024 | This is a really good article on UK Trespass Law – please see:
  • Health and Safety at Work Act, 1974;
  • Health and Safety at Work Act, 2005;
  • Working at Heights Regulations 2005;
  • Manual Handling Regulations 1992;
  • ‘Safe use of ladders and stepladders: An employers’ guide’ HSE Books 2005;
  • HSE Toolbox: PPE.

Website and content © 2023-2024 Within the Boggart Wood unless otherwise stated